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Barriers to Start-up Grant for 25-year-olds and over

The Barriers to Start-up Grant for 25-year-olds and over is a discretionary grant provided by Welsh Government to provide financial assistance for individuals who have barriers to starting up a business in Wales.  

The aim of the grant is to enable economically inactive and unemployed individuals aged 25 years and over to start up a business in Wales and will particularly target individuals that are facing barriers to business start-up and the employment market.

A grant of up to £2,000 is available to help individuals with the essential costs of starting the business. In providing this grant the Welsh Government is making an investment in you and your business proposal. In accessing the funding, you will receive start up support and will need to demonstrate within the application the viability of your start up business and proposed income.    

The grant can be used for revenue expenditure only. This means only expenditure that will appear in your Business Profit & Loss Account is eligible.

Eligibility criteria for this grant are:

You are economically inactive or unemployed 
You are looking to start up a self-employed business in Wales
You have a viable business proposal that will provide sufficient personal income
Please read the guidance notes carefully for full eligibility. 

Applicants will need to complete an expression of interest (EOI) document to begin the application process, once completed the document must be returned with evidence of economic inactivity or unemployment to Barriers4SUG@BusinessWales.org

Eligibility checks will be undertaken before applicants are invited to make a full application for the grant, including the completion of a minimum of 6 hours support from Business Wales including events, workshops and 1:1 support from a business advisor.

Business Wales will apply discretion for grant awards based on the evidence of need outlined within a business case and application. 

Due diligence checks will be undertaken on the detail supplied in your application to ensure funds are invested in eligible and viable business proposals.  Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully of the grant you are applying for.

The Barriers to Start-up Grant for 25-year-olds and over is open to Expressions of Interest from the 12th January with the deadline for the submission of full applications by the 15th March 2024. However, if funds are fully utilised before this date the scheme will close.

If you have any questions before applying or if you have any concerns that you may not be able to participate in the application or business planning process for language, medical, technical or caring reasons, please contact Business Wales on 03000 6 03000, so that we can discuss how we can help.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls in Welsh.

If you are under 25 the Young Person's Start Up Grant is currently open to applications.