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ACF Women Entrepreneurship Programme

The ACF Women Entrepreneurship Programme is designed for women from all communities in Wales, with a special focus on those from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic backgrounds.

Whether you’re a refugee, asylum seeker, or from a migrant community, if you have a business idea or are considering starting your own business, this programme is for you!

Programme Benefits:

Gain essential skills, training, advice, mentorship, and access to interest-free financing needed to launch your own business or enterprise.

Course Highlights:
• Self-assessment as a businessperson
• Evaluating your business idea
• Identifying your target customers
• Conducting market research and developing a marketing strategy
• Creating a comprehensive business plan, including costs, expenses, and cash flow
• Pitching your business idea to potential funders

DATE: July 31st - Sep 4th 2024
DURATION: 2 hours per week (6 weeks)
TIME: Every Wednesday 12 - 2pm
Location: Online (Zoom)
COST: Free (limited availability)

For more information:
w: www.assadaqaatcommunityfinance.co.uk
e: suzanne@assadaqaatcommunityfinance.co.uk
t: 07974 253531