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Drum Runners

Music & Performing Arts - Performing Arts, Theatres, Music, Dance & Circus


Interactive Music for education and events with Drum Runners >>
"Race to beat time"

Cerddoriaeth Ryngweithiol ar gyfer addysg a digwyddiadau >>
"Ras i guro’r cloc"

We are moving to the area in April 2024 so I am just introducing the work that I do to bring creative energy to education, events and collaborations.

Interactive Music for education and activities for events with Drum Runners

1. Your fast track for an educational boost

2. The "Creative Stage" Workshops for Festivals

3. For community run inter-activities

4. Steps forward into Carnival / Take steps to make a Carnival

5. Reach new business milestones

6. Track Events for creative collaborations and performances (Loop-In)

"Race to beat time"

Addysg a digwyddiadau Cerddoriaeth Ryngweithiol

OR Cerddoriaeth Ryngweithiol ar gyfer addysg a digwyddiadau (Interactive Music for Education and events)

gyda Drum Runners

1. Eich llwybr carlam ar gyfer hwb addysgol

2. Gweithdai'r "Llwyfan Creadigol" ar gyfer Gwyliau

3. Ar gyfer gweithgareddau sy'n cael eu rhedeg gan y gymuned

4. Cymryd camau i gynnal Carnifal

5. Cyrraedd cerrig milltir busnes newydd

6. Olrhain digwyddiadau ar gyfer cydweithrediadau creadigol a pherfformiadau (Loop-In)

Ras i guro’r cloc