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Creative Hub Registration

Why join our creative hub

The Blaenau Gwent Creative Hub is your opportunity to promote, network and collaborate. It will enable you to raise your profile, make connections and be counted.

Please complete additional profiles to cover different elements of your work.

Please fill out the fields below

Title is required
First Name is required
Surname is required
Company name is required
Telephone number is required
Mobile number is required
Email address is required
Postcode is required
Building is required
Street is required
District is required
Town is required
County is required
Primary Sector is required
Creative Profile is required
Upload main image for your profile is required
Additional images for your profile is required
Video (This should be a Vimeo or YouTube URL) is required
Upload CV is required
CV link (If your CV is available as a link and not a document, add the link here.) is required
Website is required

Social Media Profiles

YouTube e.g. youtube.com/channel/channelname is required
Twitter e.g. https://twitter.com/your-profile is required
LinkedIn e.g. https://www.linkedin.com/company/your-profile is required
Facebook e.g. https://www.facebook.com/username is required
Spotify e.g. https://open.spotify.com/user/yourusername is required
Instagram e.g. https://www.instagram.com/yourprofile is required
TikTok e.g. https://tiktok.com/@username is required
This is required

By contacting us via email, phone or the form above you will be sending us your Personal Data. To read how we handle your data please follow this link to read our Privacy Statement and Policy.