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Business Start-Up

Do you have a business idea? Are you ready to start a business? We have a wide range of support available to guide and help you take those first steps.

How can we support you?

We understand that starting a business can not only be an exciting time but also stressful. Our Enterprise Facilitators and business support officers are here to offer you guidance and help facilitate connections to other business support networks and other council departments if needed. 

We also have our Enterprise Facilitators on hand who are able to offer local, free and confidential business coaching and support to help you start or grow your business. 

If you’d like to arrange an appointment to see what support, we can offer please contact: Business@blaenau-gwent.gov.uk

 How we can help start your own business

Along with the coaching that we can offer you to start your business journey we can also help with the following.

  •           Reduce your business startup time.
  •           Help you network with other local businesses through our Blaenau Gwent business network and by alerting you to other Events.
  •         Let you know about any licences and regulations you may need.
  •           Help you with registering your business – does this mean with HMRC / Companies House?

Guides on starting your own business.

We also have access to business fact sheets that we can give you that will contain information on starting your own business in your relevant industry. These factsheets will outline.

  •           Any certification or training that you need to operate in your specific industry.
  •           Any licenses & regulations that the business will need to be aware of
  •          Statistics on the specific industry and key industry trends

Search for Grant Funding

We can also assist you in searching for grant funding to help you start your business. Grants are non-repayable finance which could assist you in the following ways:

  •           Help with startup costs for your business.
  •           Help with marketing costs to promote your business.
  •           Help you with decarbonisation of your business.

We have a local grant scheme, and we can also help you with grants on a regional or national level that you may be eligible for.

Please click here to see the grants Blaenau Gwent offer local businesses along with the eligibility and criteria of said grants.